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Bernhard et ReibelThe history of the area

The history of the area

feuille de vigne

equipe benhard et reibel

The history of the area

The DOMAINE BERNHARD REIBEL, a winery nestled in the heart of Alsace at the foot of the historic Haut- Koeningsbourg castle, acquired its present renown following the merger in 1981 of the wine-growing estates of the Bernhard family in Châtenois and the Reibel family in Scherwiller and thanks to the dedication of the wine-grower Cécile Bernhard who, in only a few years, succeeded in winning acclaim for her production of elegant, dry wines.


In 2001 Cécile Bernhard transferred the reins to her son Pierre who returned to the Domaine after spending a number of years working abroad. With the same dedication, Pierre has followed in the line of his mother’s achievements, fixing as his objective to imprint on his wines their own recognizable identity, as an authentic expression of the various vineyards – the terroirs – from which they come. Not only a winemaker but also a roving ambassador for the winery, he travels the world promoting his wines, resulting from the commitment of his team.

The Team

    • It is Alain, ever concerned for the health of the vines and the quality of the grapes, who is responsible for the crucial operation of pruning. Perched on his tractor, he is constantly watching over the vineyards and their upkeep.
    • Laetitia, gifted with the small hands of a fashion-house seamstress, is engaged throughout the year in coaxing the wine-stocks to produce great wines. She is also the one who meticulously labels and caps the bottles and prepares all the orders for dispatch.
  • Florence, our sales assistant, is never short of time or enthusiasm to explain both the functioning of the Domaine and the unique character of our fine wines. All year round she devotes boundless energy to maintaining and strengthening the privileged contact we have with our clients as well as making the Domaine known on a world-wide basis.

Retired but as committed as ever, Cécile and her husband Robert are still very active. Always on hand to help whenever and wherever help is required.